Friday, August 28, 2015

Passion Project Ideas and Goals

For the past week, our class has been brainstorming ideas for what our passion project are going to be about. We all had our passions figured out, but this week was dedicated to expanding our passions in a way that could help people or get a message across to everyone. My passion is optimism so I've decided to do a project that focuses on making people happy by doing nice things to people. My goal is to spread happiness to people who aren't or cannot be happy. Although I haven't made a coherent decision on what exactly my project is going to be, I know that it will make peoples' day.
I feel compelled to do a project on optimism because I would never in a thousand years what it would be like to live without happiness. The thought of someone not living live happily makes me sad, and you know I don't like to be sad at all. For this reason, I feel it is my obligation to pursue the ideas or global happiness. The happiness of others is how I remain happy and optimistic. I also make people happy even if it means that I may not be happy in that moment. It is the overall goal of mine to make an influence on people. But, I don't want this project to be about my happiness. I'm doing this so others can feel how I feel about life so they can spread the message to other people like a chain reaction. If I help three people become happier in their lives, then they will help five people and those people will tell people and just after five cycles of this, 3,125 people will have been influenced by that one person who started the chain. And it won's stop a five cycles, it will continue for a long time. Imagine how many people can be influenced by the voice on one persons cause. My overall goal for this project is for everyone to be happy and for everyone to spread the word about living optimistically. There is no real way to measure how effective I was. I just have to trust and believe that people were influenced positively be my cause because happiness itself cannot be measured using numbers or statistics. Happiness isn't physical, but an idea and belief.
I want people to be happy with who they are and not sad about who their not. I want people to realize that anyone can be happy anywhere regardless of age, race, religion, or where they live. Even if I only influence one person through this whole experience, in my eyes, I would have still succeeded at my goal of making people happy. It takes just one person to make a difference and that person could be anyone.


  1. WOW. You have a huge heart. It is encouraging to see our younger generation feeling the way you do. My favorite statement in your post is: "I want people to be happy with who they are and not sad about who they're not". Those words will reach all people from all walks of life; all ages, races, religions, cultures, etc. It makes you stop and think. You show a true genuine love for your fellow man. Still impressed...

  2. Eddie,
    I am ecouraged by your positiveness and about how you want to make sure people are happy. It can be such a chain reaction that may very well begin with YOU!
